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Thursday, October 31, 2013

089 - Happy Halloween, No Free Candy For You

Halloween.  The time we remember as kids going door to door in the costumes that our parents bought/made for us and then returning home to a mountain of candy and a trip to the dentist.  As an adult in his early-mid 20s, it not consists of girls wearing little to no clothing and saying its "my costume", drunk stupidity, horror movies, and whatever else makes it bearable to be 23 and celebrating a children's holiday.  Usually, you get some pretty awesome stuff in terms of music mixes and remixes around this time because people make it spooky and awesome.  Most of the stuff I am sure is going to be released throughout the day, but I figured I would share what I have with you now!  I could share stereotypical stuff like "Internet Friends" because holy shit is that song scary, but I would rather go outside my comfort zone.  So far three tracks but more may come throughout the day!

This is a pretty cool Mashup combining everything from Three Six Mafia to the Bloody Beetroots, and holy crap I haven't heard anything from them in forever.  A pretty cool mashup, though it seems a bit forced it is still not to be missed!

The first thing that caught my eye about this was teh name, brought me back to memories of playing old side scrolling Castlevania day.  And let me tell you, this may not be a throw back, but its for sure a reason to throw your hands in the air and party like there is no tomorrow!  This song is like an electro-rock mix and it really blows up, and gets you pumped for the night!

In my opinion, Zomboy is the most consistent every Halloween because everything he puts out just has a very spooky vibe surrounding it and I love every second of it!  One of his newer tracks is Bad Intentions, and it just oozes awesomeness and fright night fun.  Enjoy!

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